About Bac-Shield

Bac-Shield Chitosan-Based Antimicrobial is
EPA-Registered for control of odor-causing microbes

EPA Reg# 81446-2, EPA Est# 081446-NC-002, CA EPA Reg # 81446-2-AA

Bac-Shield(tm) is the antimicrobial of HeiQ ChemTex.

Used as directed, Bac-Shield makes an article or surface an unsuitable environment for the growth of mold, mildew, fungi or bacteria. Odors are a by-product of bacterial growth and wastes.  By inhibiting the growth of odor-causing microbes, Bac-Shield reduces the resulting wastes and the odors and degrading of articles they cause.

Bac-Shield is available as a concentrate for application during manufacturing or in an RTU (ready to use) form for all other applications.

Chitosan’s Antimicrobial Properties

Bac-Shield’s active ingredient is Chitosan, the second most abundant naturally occuring compound, after cellulose. Chitosan is known to possess anti-bacterial properties, which allows it to be used as an active ingredient in antimicrobial pesticides. (EPA-HQ-OPP-2007-0566-0019; Chitin Case 6063)

Chitosan works in two ways. First, Chitosan reacts with molecules on the surfaces of cell walls, forming a layer that nutrients the cell needs cannot pass through. Second, Chitosan punctures cell walls, disrupting the cell’s food production and its reproduction.  Thus the growth of odor-causing bacteria, mold, mildew, and fungi are inhibited.

Bac-Shield, made from Chitosan, is different from products that clean or disinfect articles.  Bac-Shield works between cleanings to inhibit the growth of bacteria, mold, mildew, and fungi that cause odor, stains, discoloration, decay and deterioration of treated materials.

From Chitosan to Bac-Shield

Like most industrial Chitosan, the Chitosan in Bac-Shield is derived from the Chitin in waste crab shells–an abundant renewable resource with a long history of use in cosmetics and shampoos, medical bandages, even toothpaste and dietary supplements.

Shells are collected from the crabbing industry of the North Atlantic and Alaska. Between 2,000 and 3,000 metric tons of crab shell waste is produced annually. About 1% of this is used to produce Chitosan. Shell waste is sent to Asia in shipping containers that might otherwise have had to return to Asia empty.

Raw shells are processed to remove calcium and protein.  The principal by-products of this process are animal feed, fertilizer and “salt water”.  (View Bac-Shield for Chemists for a more technical and detailed explanation of how Chitosan is produced and how it works.)

The end product, Chitosan, is biodegradable and hypoallergenic and it is not a dermal sensitizer.

Bac-Shield is Effective and Durable

The effectiveness and durability of Bac-Shield has been demonstrated using industry-standard tests.

Heat helps make the treatment more durable. HeiQ ChemTex also offers a binding agent to enhance the durability of Bac-Shield.

Bac-Shield Can Enhance Wicking and Hand

HeiQ ChemTex offers a wicking agent and hand modifier to enhance the wicking properties and hand of treated articles. Bac-Shield’s effect on wicking has been demonstrated using industry standard tests.