Test Results

Antimicrobial Test AATCC Test Method 174-1998 Antimicrobial Activity Assessment of Carpets – Part I and Part II

Test Organisms

  • Staphylococcus aureus ATCC No. 6538 Gram-positive organism
  • Klebsiella pneumoniae ATCC No. 4352 Gram-negative organism

Preparation of Specimen

Sample Description Comments
Treated Carpet
Not treated Carpet
Treated – 1 GSA wash Carpet Treatment type: plant
Not treated – 1 GSA wash Carpet 1 GSA wash = 2 washes with soap and 5 washes with water


AATCC 174 –  Part I

Staphylococcus aureus, ATCC No. 6538

Sample Growth Inhibition Zone Evaluation of the antimicrobial effect
Treated, front Nil Width = 4mm Good effect, pronounced inhibition zone
Treated, back Nil Width = 6mm Good effect, pronounced inhibition zone
Not treated, front Medium Width = 0mm Insufficient effect
Not treated, back Medium Width = 0mm Insufficient effect
Treated – 1 GSA wash, front Nil Width = 4mm Good effect, pronounced inhibition zone
Treated – 1 GSA wash, back Nil Width = 6mm Good effect, pronounced inhibition zone
Not treated – 1 GSA wash, front Medium Width = 0mm Insufficient effect
Not treated – 1 GSA wash, back Medium Width = 0mm Insufficient effect

Klebsiella pneumoniae, ATCC No. 4352

Sample Growth Inhibition Zone Evaluation of the antimicrobial effect
Treated, front  Nil Width = 1mm Good effect, pronounced inhibition zone
Treated, back  Nil Width = 1mm Good effect, pronounced inhibition zone
Not treated, front  Medium Width = 0mm Insufficient effect
Not treated, back  Medium Width = 0mm Insufficient effect
Treated – 1 GSA wash, front  Nil Width = 2mm Good effect, pronounced inhibition zone
Treated – 1 GSA wash, back  Nil Width = 0mm Good effect
Not treated – 1 GSA wash, front  Medium Width = 0mm Insufficient effect
Not treated – 1 GSA wash, back  Medium Width = 0mm Insufficient effect
  1. The specimens were incubated at 37C for 24 hours.
  2. The width of the clear zone was calculated by the following equation: W = (T-D)/2 where W=width of clear zone of inhibition in mm, T=total width of test specimen and clear zone in mm, D=width of the test specimen in mm.
  3. The observation of inhibition:
Growth Evaluation of the antimicrobial effect
Nil Good effect, pronounced inhibition zone
Nil Good effect
Weak Almost complete inhibition
Medium Insufficient effect

AATCC 174 – Part II

Staphylococcus aureus, ATCC No. 6538

Sample Identification¹ CFU/ml at “0” time contact CFU/ml after “24 hrs” contact Percent reduction R%²
Control sample 2.5 x 10^5 3.4 x 10^7
Treated 1.5 x 10^5 <100 >99.9%
Not treated 1.7 x 10^5 1.4 x 10^7 NR
Treated – 1 GSA wash 1.0 x 10^5 <100 >99.9%
Not treated – 1 GSA wash 1.9 x 10^5 6.4 x 10^6 NR

Klebsiella pneumoniae, ATCC No. 4352

Sample Identification¹ CFU/ml at “0” time contact CFU/ml after “24 hrs” contact Percent reduction R%²
Control sample  2.0 x 10^5  1.1 x 10^8  –
Treated  1.2 x 10^5  2.6 x 10^4  87.0%
Not treated  1.8 x 10^5  9.5 x 10^7  NR
Treated – 1 GSA wash  1.5 x 10^5  2.4 x 10^4  88.0%
Not treated – 1 GSA wash  1.6 x 1-^5  1.0 x 10^8  NR


  1. 1 piece of swatches with 48mm diameter
  2. Percent reduction was calculated: R% = 100(B-A)/B % where A=the number of bacteria recovered from the samples after “24 hours” contact and B=the number of bacteria recovered from the samples at “0” time contact.
  3. NR = No reduction
  4. The control sample is an untreated cotton specimen (VA&G)